General Rules & Regulations: |
- Central Library is NO-MOBILE ZONE.
- Maintain strict silence in the Reading Room and other areas.
- DO NOT enter the reading or lending section with your baggage. Keep them in the wooden shelves at the Gate Counter.
- Scan the library notice boards regularly (Both inside and outside the library premise).
- In case of any difficulty library users can approach the Assistant Librarian or the Librarian.
- Only present students and staff of the College can use the Library. No ex-student or outsiders are allowed to use the Library.
- Do take care of library books and journals.
- Rs. 2/- will be charged as fine for duplicate copy of the card.
Guidelines for Circulation: |
- Books borrowed from the Lending Section of the library must be returned within Thirty days from the date of issue.
- A reader will have to pay 10 paise per day as delaying charge after the expiry of 30 days.
- Use only your own valid library card. Using someone else's card to issue/reissue books is not allowed.
- Please check the condition of the book before issuing, in case any mutilation found report the same in the counter.
- No reader shall write or make any remark upon any book or damage it any way.
- If case of any multinomial being detected, the last borrower will be responsible for the book and he will have to bear the current cost or to replace the book.
- Library books or any documents on loan must be returned before completion of the test exam.
Guidelines for Reading Section: |
- Maintain strict silence in the Reading Room.
- A reader will have to pay 10 paise per day as delaying charge after the expiry of 30 days.
- The books, periodicals and Newspaper kept in Reading Room are meant only for reading consultation inside READING ROOM ONLY, cannot be taken out.
- Do not scatter the pages of newspaper while reading.
- DO NOT misplace/shuffle books while selecting from the shelves.
Guidelines for Reprography Section: |
- The photocopy section is for LIBRARY BOOKS, JOURNALS AND QUESTION PAPERS ONLY. The class notes, outside papers and books are strictly NOT TO BE PHOTOCOPIED HERE.
- Place your requisition for photocopy at the Reading Counter.
- Maximum twenty pages can be photocopied at a time; Cost per page is Rupee ONE only.
- Photocopies are distibuted from 2:30 pm to 4 pm.
Collection Development of the Library: Policies and procedures |
The aim of the Cooch Behar College Library is to meet the educational and information needs of our primary clientele: students, faculty, and staff of the College. As an important intellectual resource for the user community, the library provides students, faculties, staffs, with books, periodicals, open access e-books& e-journals, online databases and other online and physical materials. Cooch Behar College Library, in general, purchases resources appropriate to the level for both U.G and P.G division of education. The course curriculum centric (i.e. textbooks, workbooks, laboratory manuals, etc.) documents are generally included in acquisition. Materials sought by faculty or staff for individual advanced research interests are generally not eligible for purchase. The library aims to offer high quality materials at those levels in appropriate subject areas. It also attempts to collect current materials that meet the instructional, research, reference, and recreational reading interests of our clientele. The library purchase multiple copies of an item popular in interest and may have high use is anticipated or experienced.
Responsibility of selection Collaboration with faculty: The departmental head is responsible to prepare the list of documents to be acquired in accordance with the curriculum of the respective department. In addition to reference of curriculum, faculties use to refer bibliographies, publishers catalogues and other sources of information to identify and evaluate new materials for possible selection. The selection of journal and magazines are normally done by faculties of the college.
Students' demand: The students and staff are also welcomed and encouraged to express their educational needs. All recommendations from them are accumulated throughout the year through online Google form or through application, are evaluated and deem fit to the criteria of the policy is ensured.
Recommendations from Library staffs and Librarian: Since, library staffs working in circulation and reading section are in interaction with the user community. They have much better understanding of users' academic needs. So the recommendations from them are also taken into account.
Library Committee: The College Library Committee generally makes decisions for allocation of budget among the various departments. It is an authority to finalize the list of library documents to be acquired considering the recommendations from the various sources.
Sources for collection development: The collection development is normally done through purchase of documents. Usually the college fund is utilized for the purchases. Additionally, UGC grant, state fund RUSA, etc., are the sources of fund for library purchases. The donations of the books from various sources are also accepted, if the donated document is feasible in context of its content and physical condition. The complimentary copy from the publishers also adds to the collection development of the library.
Special Local Collection: The college library also collects the books, journals and magazines or any literary content referring to the ethnic communities, demography, culture, festivals etc., of North Bengal espicially Cooch Behar district.